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Strategic Development Planning in 16 Communities

The key success in this project was the application of the principle and tools of community strategic development planning for cities and towns on a large-scale according to a planning methodology based on active participation of all stakeholders. It was the first experience to prepare plans for strategic development of local communities based on shared development visions for sixteen years. There were 16 cities and villages that participated in this project.

The objective of the project is to develop a 16-year vision and development strategic framework (SDF) to each community, and prepare strategic development plans for 4 years, all through the participation of local community institutions to bring positive and important changes in the relationship between local authorities, institutional sectors, and the community at large. This would enable local communities to plan and control future decisions and create a sustainable social development at the economic, social, political and environmental level.

The project included 16 communities in the cities of Tulkarm, Qalqilya, Attile, Illar, Arrabah, Ya’bad, East Salfit, Birzeit, Yatta, Thahreyya, ArRam, Tubas, Azzun, Beit Fajjar, and Ithna. In each community, more than 10 workshops were held about strategic development planning and a set of outputs for each community were prepared including:

1. Report of the reality of the local community.
2. Strategic development framework to the coming 16 years, includes the development vision and strategic, and development goals.
3. Integrated development plan for all development communities for 4 years.
4. Investment plan for all development sectors for two years.

This project extended to 2 years during the years 2010 and 2011, and highly qualified experts in various fields of development and strategic planning worked on it.

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